Board of Directors

Chairman`s Message

The SME sector contributes significantly to a nation’s economy by enriching it and helping it flourish. Globally, SMEs are being hailed for their pivotal role in promoting grassroots economic growth and equitable sustainable development.
In line with the Sultanate’s strategy to diversify the national income, His Majesty the Sultan issued a Royal Decree to establish the Fund for Development of Youth Projects (Sharakah) in 1998 aiming to provide the necessary expertise and funding needed to develop SMEs in Oman. Sharakah is unique as it provides different services including financialsolutions, consultancy solutions and capacity building programs
Sharakah’s establishment reflects the country’s encouragement and commitment towards Omani entrepreneurs. It provides customized financial solutions and it has three different schemes namely: Loans, Equity Finance and Bill Discounting. We assist and guide entrepreneurs to enter the business world confidently by investing in innovation for the development of the country.
Sharakah gives full support to those who have the skills, desire and commitment to start their own business. Furthermore, we support startups and existing businesses that have potential for growth, generating income and the ability to compete.
Since its inception, Sharakah has provided support to a substantial number of projects in different sectors including Information Technology, Engineering, Manufacturing, Services and Food industries. Our support goes beyond financial and continues even after the financial obligation is honoured.

Mr. Hani Mohammed Al Zubair


Board of Directors